Thursday, July 15, 2010

Natural History Museum, Part 2

Today we had class in the morning. It was our first 3 hour long class and students gave presentations today. It was interesting to see what the students picked as topics related to British Life and Culture and also how they presented. After class a few of us went (back) to the Natural History Museum. Today we went through the "Green Zone." This contains reptiles, fossils, birds, minerals, evolution, and ecology. I still have to go back to go through two other sections, but I am okay with that!

Some pictures from today:

An extinct animal. Look at how big that thing was.

Some of the birds in the collection.

Long legged birds!

A dodo bird.

The ostrich was tall!

An emperor penguin.

I thought this was a cool exhibit showing how egg sizes can vary based on the size of the adult bird of the species.

Can you guess what is in this case?

They are all different kinds of hummingbirds. This is an antique collection that had been donated to the museum, it was pretty impressive to look at.


  1. Gross! Who does that??? "Hmmm... let me see how I can make dead hummingbirds look like art..." That should be on a List of Weird Taxidermy Exhibits. (Sadly, I'm sure this piece is probably not even close to the weirdEST in the world!)

    I know, I know... this from someone that has a deer head hanging on my downstairs wall ...

  2. I love the long legged birds! Can't imagine where you've heard that term before.

  3. I got attacked by an ostrich once; it was no fun!! I'm so thoroughly enjoying your blog!!! Thanks for sharing!!
