Monday, July 19, 2010

Imperial War Museum

This morning I met with Dr. James, the professor supervising the London Program, to make sure we have tied up loose ends as we are nearing the end of our program. We also visited some students at their internships for site visits. After lunch then I headed over to the Imperial War Museum. The museum currently has an exhibit on The Ministry of Foods, which was in charge of war time food rations and food issues. The exhibition had great examples of the propaganda that the ministry produced during the war to rally

The outside of the museum.

The atrium of the museum:

Here are some pictures from the collection:

A replica greenhouse demonstrating home greenhouse uses during the war.

I thought this was a funny ad!

They had different cartoon characters to promote how to ration and why certain foods were important to eat.

The poor pups weren't allowed to have bones anymore either.

This was a wedding cake used during the war. It is made a cardboard for pictures and it covered the non-pretty ration cakes that were allowed for the guests.

I was able to go through several of the other collections throughout the museum, including the Holocaust Exhibition, The Great War (WWI) exhibition, WWII, and modern war collections. I also was able to go through their exhibition of the Blitz Experience. I was able to sit in a replica bomb shelter and experience what it would have looked like, sounded like, and smelled like to be in one during an air raid in WWII.

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