Sunday, July 11, 2010

Musical Number 3!

I have been fortunate to see some great shows while in London. So far I have seen Wicked and Les Miserables. On Saturday night after the day trip to Windsor I was pretty tired and didn't want to do too much, so a group of us decided to take a long shot and go to a theatre 30 minutes before the start of the show to see if we could get discount tickets. We were able to get tickets to Legally Blonde. It was surprisingly good and really funny. I really enjoyed the show all around and was impressed how it followed the storyline of the movie.

On Wednesday I am going to another musical...I think I would go to a different show everyday if I had the time and could afford it! Heck, I would break out in song and dance on a regular basis if it was socially acceptable!


  1. Does this fill the void that Glee left?

  2. I think it is filling that void in my life. It will have to do until I am back in the states and can watch episodes online.
