Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Latest Sewing Projects

I was able to use some of the down time to get some sewing in.  Here are some of the projects I have been able to finish.

Project 1. Half Apron
I have some great friends, the Bishops, that host an annual white elephant party.  This year (2010) was the first year I was able to attend.  I decided to make something for the gift exchange (no surprise there).  I thought a half apron would be cute and I knew some of the girls at the party really like them.  I used some Amy Butler fabric I had and it can even be reversible.  The apron is made primarily using 2 fat quarters and then some coordinating (matching in this case) yardage for the ties.  I also added some extra detail with two large yo-yos.  

In this close up you can see the yo-yo details with buttons to look kind of like flowers.

I called this gift my "hostess with the mostess gift."  I packaged the apron with a trifle bowl I bought experimented with glass etching.  I added a design of dots around the bowl and I think it turned out great.  Hope you like it Randi!

Project 2. Embellished Hats
I just recently (in November or December) bought yo-yo makers.  I got two different sizes, before this I had been making them all free hand.  Since my life drastically changed for the better with these new yo-yo makers, I thought it would be fun to make a few gifts for some friends, so I decorated some hats (about 12 to be specific).  I made all of them different, so everyone got a custom one.

Thanks April for modeling your hat for me!

Project 3. Casserole Carrier
Every year my Mom's side of the family gets together and has a white elephant style gift exchange.  I usually make something for the exchange and this year I decided to change it up from my normal purse or tote and make a casserole carrier...perfect for parties and potlucks.  I used a great tutorial from the blog, 2 Little Hooligans.  Here is the finished product.

 Avery helping model the casserole carrier.

 The carrier all folded up and ready to go.

 My cousin's daughter Addison helped to model the unfolded casserole carrier.

Project 4. Diaper Bag
Recently I have started making diaper bags for my friends that are expecting (as you know there are quite a few of them).  I love the tutorial from A Mingled Yarn for the Hip Mama Diaper Bag.  Here are some pics from the latest bag.  The bag is a great messenger style and has lots of pockets inside and out, about 10 total.

Project 5. Dr. Seuss Baby Quilt
You have already seen this quilt in my post about the Dr. Seuss baby shower I threw, but I love this quilt so much I wanted to show off the pictures again.  This is based off of the tutorial from the blog Momfetti.    And thanks to my Mom for helping me finish this quilt while I was sick.

Front of the quilt.

I decided to piece the back of the quilt and it ended up being almost reversible.

Project 6. Owl Baby Quilt
This quilt was made for Mazlyn who should be entering this world in the next few weeks...I can't wait!  This was also based off of a tutorial online, but again I made some additions to mine.  The tutorial is from The Polka Dot Chair.  This quilt also received some of my Mom's expert sewing...she is such a huge help!  

Project 7. Tablerunner (Snow day project #1)
This project was actually something for me.  If you remember I said I was snowed in for 3 days once I was back in Athens, so I used some of the time to work on sewing projects, including this one.  This is also based on a tutorial from The Polka Dot Chair.  I had to make it a lot shorter than the tutorial, as my table is much smaller, but I think it still turned out great.

Project 8. Taggie Blanket (Snow day project #2)
Another gift I like to give to new babies is a taggie blanket.  This is a great developmental blanket for babies and I just love making them.  Each one I make turns out in its own unique way.  The front of this one is a soft fireman flannel and the back is an even softer white bumpy and furry fleece.  (sorry the pictures are the best, I forgot to move the iron cord)

Project 9. Burp Cloths (Snow day project #3)
I made a set of three coordinating burp cloths to test out my idea for a burp cloth.  It isn't anything special, but I like the shape and size of the cloths.  I think they will be good when out and about with baby.  I also like that they coordinate so well with the taggie blanket I made.  Please ignore the wrinkles, I had them rolled up and packed away from gifting and then I remembered I had forgotten to take a picture!

Now I need to figure out what sewing or other craft project to work on next.  Suggestions are welcome!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Seuss Shower

While I was back in Iowa, I was able to throw a shower for a great friend of mine, Val. Val and her husband Ian are expecting their first child in March and I am so excited for them.   Val and I met while we were in high school when we were both on the State 4-H Council.  I have been very blessed to have Val’s friendship in my life since then. 

Since they are not finding out the gender of the baby yet, I needed a gender-neutral theme for the shower.  I came up with a Seuss themed shower.  I was so happy with how everything turned out for the shower!  My mom was a huge help with the last minute preparation and baking.  I owe her big time!   I can’t wait until March and I can come back on spring break to meet Little Plagge (LP)!

Here are the highlights from the shower, starting with the decorations.  Table centerpieces were fun, Seuss-like items.  I was inspired by several blogs that showed Seuss themed decorations and their ideas morphed into my centerpieces.  I was really happy with the final masterpieces!

Table #1 

 Table #2

 Table #3

 Table #4

With a theme like Seuss, books made great decorations for the shower.  I got some books from Goodwill and cut the pages out of the already loved books to make bunting for the room.  You can see the Green Eggs and Ham bunting on the welcome and food tables.  

 Here is the Oh The Thinks You Can Think bunting on the wall. 

Here are a few shots of the whole room:

The welcome table was decorated with some Green Eggs and Ham bunting and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  Also on this table were the favors, Hop on Pop Popcorn for the guests to take home.  On the other end of this table was the coloring book activity.  I found a Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That coloring book with a story in it.  I cut out the pages, asked guests to color a page and sign their name to it.  I put all of the pages together into an album so LP will have a custom book  when he or she gets here in March.
 The welcome table!

 Close-up of the favors.

 The Grinch!

 The coloring book activity.

I also used books to help decorate the food table as you will see in the next set of pictures, the food pictures!  I took on the challenge of serving Seuss themed food for the shower.  There was:
  • Green Eggs and Ham Key Lime Cupcakes
  • The Cat in the Hat Thing 1 and Thing 2 Cupcakes
  • Oh the Places You’ll Go Trail Mixes
  • Hop on Pop Candied Popcorn
  • One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Swedish Fish and Goldfish
  • Seuss Juice: Cranberry, Apple, and Blueberry Sparkling Juice

 Close-up of the Green Eggs and Ham cupcakes.

 Close-up of the two kinds of Hop on Pop candied popcorn.

 Close-up of the Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes.

And of course present time!  LP got some great gifts from all the wonderful ladies at the shower.
 A farm scene playmat.

 A little Cyclone hoodie...adorable!

 A duckie bath robe.

 A diaper bag from Aunt Amanda.

 A puppy sleeper from Aunt Rachel.

 I heart Mommy sleeper.

 The back (above) and front (below) of the Dr. Seuss quilt I made for LP.

 All of the Aunts-to-be and Grandmas-to-be with Mommy-to-be.

And finally, me with Mommy-to-be!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Only slightly behind...

I feel like this title has been the theme in my life for this past year.  Since I last blogged, we have celebrated Christmas and a New Year and are already 16 days into this new year!  Crazy!  As expected, I went beck to Iowa for the holidays and have been back in Georgia for a week and a half.  Here are some of the highlights from the past month:

I made it back in time to go to Avery's preschool Christmas program.

Here Madelyn and I are waiting for the program to start.

 Here is Avery's class singing.  This is the 3 and 4 year old preschool class...they were so adorable!  
So glad I was able to be there.

Drew turned 1!  I know it seems like just yesterday he was born, but this little guy is now 1, or as Avery says, "He is a number now!"
The birthday boy!

 I am in my highchair...why is my tray empty?

 As Drew was opening his presents, Madelyn was very helpful in testing his toys to make sure they worked.

 Avery and I at Drew's birthday party.

Fast forward 2 days and it was Christmas day.  Parker was thrilled to wish everyone a Merry Christmas wearing his santa outfit.  Can't you see his excitement?

He did get a 2 foot rawhide for while he had to endure dress-up for an hour, he was rewarded!

While I was home my Mom and I were able to help out and babysit the kids a few days.  They were even nice enough to share their germs with me and give me a stomach virus on New Year's Eve, but I will spare you any more details.  Luckily they are so cute, that I can forgive them for their sharing!
Playing with play-doh at Grandma's house.

The girls playing with Parker.  While he enjoys the kids, he is always happy when they leave so he can go back to his normal nap schedule.

Parker likes to help Drew clean out anything that was dropped in the highchair.

While I was there, Beth and Paul were able to put together Avery's "up-down bed," as Avery calls it.  Avery was very excited to have her new bed and Madelyn liked it too.

In other exciting news, I traded in my car.  I no longer have my Rendezvous (lovingly called Ronnie).

 I snapped a quick picture as I said good buy and left him at the lot.

Unfortunately I haven't taken pictures of my new vehicle, but I got a 2007 Ford Edge and I am super happy with it.  The only picture I have of it is below... this is not in Iowa.  Shortly after I got back to Georgia, we were hit by a huge snowstorm.  Athens got about 8 inches of snow and probably a half to full inch of ice on top of it.  We basically shut down for a few days.  This happened the night before classes were suppose to start back on Monday.  Because of the snow, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were snow days, while Thursday and Friday both had delayed starts.  So far this semester, not one full day yet!  This will change as of Tuesday, but for now I am enjoying a gradual start to the semester.

During Christmas break and my 3 snow days I was able to work on and finish several fun sewing and craft look forward to those in a future post, soon!