On Wednesday I was able to spend the day being a tourist...it was great. I visited several different sites throughout the city. I started at the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood. This museum contains the UK's collection of childhood-related objects. The collection spans from the 1600s to present time. They have toys, dolls, doll houses, games, puppets, nursery items, children's clothing, and children's furniture. It is a pretty impressive collection! I only wish I could have played with all of the toys!
The front of the building!
Tamagotchi! I remember those things...I think mine always died.

A big robot on display...apparently cheering for UGA!

The large gliding horses...lots of children were riding them, they looked like fun.
Currently the museum has an exhibit about child size seats and chairs. It was pretty interesting...really it was! Here was the big sculpture in the center of the museum.
Some of the different chairs that were on display from various time periods.
A Goldilocks display...which chair is right for you?
What a fun museum!